Our objective is :-
- To develop and spread the idea of friendship and fraternity among the people.
- To raise the voice against exploitation, injustice and corruption if found against any individual, class, community in the society.
- To educate the people for adopting the good norms of a good citizen and to work for spreading the ideas of nationality among the people.
- To work for uplifting status of the women in the society.
- To work against dowry system and to raise voice against the victimization of girl/women by anybody in the society due to dowry related things.
- To work for tree plantation / pollution control.
- To help and generate training programme for self employment of women and educated unemployed people and to work for adult education.
- To create the means for providing medical assistance to the people suffering from diseases, specially for helpless people.
- To provide help under health & nutrition services for women and children.
- To open library and reading room.
- To create Training/Education centre and health centre.
- To publish newspaper, magazine, journals and to reproduce works of arts, literature, science, crafts and other allied works/collections of works of arts for instruction and imparting useful knowledge.
- To provide help/shelter/facilities for old people, children and disabled persons for their welfare .
- To run Yoga/Stress management courses.
- To organise religious camps for spreading good living habits, moral values, Indian culture, methods of developing self confidence etc and to create religious centre for the above activities.
- To work for uplifting poor rural/village people for their all round development.
- Provide scholarship/Financial help to poor rural/village people for their all around development.
- To provide help to people suffering from Natural calamities such as flood, Earthquakes, Rail road accidents etc.
- To organise Blood donation camp and Medical diagnostic camp etc.
- To provide financial help to poor & helpless girls for their marriage.